Daniel Hart

Daniel Hart.

Walton-on-Thames Solicitors
Trainee Solicitor
Divorce, separation and finances
Children arrangements and disputes
Pre and post nuptial agreements
Cohabitation and declarations of trust
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Daniel holds a degree in Business Law from De Montfort University, Leicester and completed the Legal Practice Course with an LLM in Professional Legal Practice at the University of Law in Bristol. Daniel joined Howell Jones in 2022 on the Paralegal to Trainee Solicitor scheme, having previously worked for national firms specialising in Employment Law.

Daniel is a trainee solicitor currently working in our Family Team.

Daniel is a committee member of Surrey Junior Lawyers Division, a division of The Law Society specifically focused on supporting junior lawyers in Surrey through educational events, fundraisers for charities and support sessions for members.

Daniel is passionate about helping future lawyers. He has attends careers fairs at local schools and universities to provide helpful guidance on what a career as a lawyer involves and how you get there. Daniel also sits on a Q&A panel with other junior lawyers at a local university, answering questions on the challenges that a Trainee Solicitor has to face.




Daniel is also a mentor for a university student currently studying for the Solicitors Qualifying Exams. He offers support on studying for the exams, as well as guiding his mentee through the application process to start their career in law.

Daniel is from Wales, so tries to listen to as much Welsh language media as he can to ensure he does not lose his grasp of the language.

Outside of work, Daniel can be found on nature trails with his wife and dog, at home watching his favourite sports teams let him down, or sporting his apron in the kitchen!

areas of work.

Divorce, separation and finances

The end of a relationship is an upsetting and stressful time for everyone involved. Having a supportive and knowledgeable family...

Children arrangements and disputes

The end of a relationship can be especially difficult if you and your partner have children. Having a supportive and...

Pre and post nuptial agreements

Life is for living and enjoying. Protecting yourself and your partner through a pre/postnuptial and registration agreement or living together...

Cohabitation and declarations of trust

Choosing to live with your partner before marriage/civil partnership, or instead of getting married/having a civil partnership, is easy and...

We are delighted that Daniel will still be involved in our case. He has been most helpful for us over the past 6 months.

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